Facial Feminization Surgery: Before and After pictures

This page gathers the FFS surgery results of this website. We know that before and after photos are the first thing that many of us want to find. All the surgeries in this FFS gallery were performed by Dr. Javier Rossi and his team in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Publishing criteria for our before and after pictures

What we do in this FFS gallery

What we do not do in this FFS gallery

Example 17 - Full FFS– Left: before surgeries / Right: 4 monthsafter. Photos provided by the patient. – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring, trachea shave.

Example 16 - Full FFS – Left: before surgeries / Right: 4 months after. Photos provided by the patient. – Photos provided by the patient – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring.

Example 15 - Full FFS – Left: before surgeries / Right: 1 year after – Photos provided by the patient – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring.

Example 14 - Full FFS – Left: before surgeries / Right: 2 yearsafter. – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring.

Example 13 - Full FFS + hair transplants – Left: before surgeries / Right: 9 months after – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, upper blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, upper lip lift, lipofilling, chin and jaw contouring, trachea shave. (All photos provided by the patient).

Example 12 - FFS without rhinoplasty – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, brow lift chin and jaw contouring, under-chin liposuction. Before and 5 months after
Example 11 - Full FFS + hair transplants – Left: before surgeries / Right: 7 days after hair transplants / Right: 2 years after FFS and 7 days after hair transplants – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring, trachea shave.

Example 10 - Full FFS Surgery – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring, trachea shave. Before and 6 months after
Example 9 - Full FFS with face and neck lift and blepharoplasty - Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction , rhinoplasty, upper lip lift, chin and jaw contouring, trachea shave, face and neck lift. Before and 6 months after

Example 8 - Full FFS with face and neck lift – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, upper lip lift, chin and jaw contouring, face and neck lift. Before and 6 months after.

Example 7 - Full FFS + hair transplants – Left: before surgery / Right: 40 days after lipofilling of cheeks and upper lip + slight revisions of eyebrows, nose, upper lip and chin, and 14 months after full FFS with hair transplants. There is still swelling on some areas and the scar under the nose is not healed yet

Example 6 - Young mtf patient with Full FFS – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction with brow lift and hairline correction, secondary rhinoplasty, upper lip lift, chin and jaw contouring Before and 6 months after

Example 5 - Middle-aged mtf patient with Full FFS and face and neck lift – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction, blepharoplasties, secondary rhinoplasty, chin and jaw contouring, face and neck lift Before and 12 months after

Example 4 -Young male to female patient with FFS – Procedures performed: forehead reconstruction with brow lift and hairline advancement, chin and jaw contouring. Before and 9 months after

Example 3 -Young male to female patient with Facial Feminizations Surgery – Procedures performed: Forehead reconstruction, brow lift, Rhinoplasty, Upper lip lift, chin and jaw contouring. Before and 1 year after

Example 2 -Young patient with Full FFS – Procedures performed: Forehead reconstruction, brow lift, Secondary Rhinoplasty, Jaw and chin reduction, Adam’s apple reduction. Before and 1 year after

Example 1 -Young patient with Full FFS – Procedures performed: Forehead reconstruction, brow lift, Rhinoplasty, jaw and chin reduction. Before and 2 months after

See more before and after pictures of facial procedures


Rino facial feminization surgery
Rinoplasty in a cis patient.
Rino facial feminization surgery
Rinoplasty in a cis patient. Before and After.
Rino facial feminization surgery
Rinoplasty in a cis patient.

Face lift

Full Lifting facial feminization surgery before and after
Face and neck lift in a cis patient. Pictures taken before and 3 months after the surgery.
Full Lifting facial feminization surgery before and after
Face and neck lift in a cis patient. Pictures taken before and 3 months after the surgery.


Full Blepharopasty facial feminization surgery before and after
Blepharoplasty. Before and after.

Ear surgery

Full Otoplastia facial feminization surgery before and after
Otoplasty (ear pinning) before and after.
Full Otoplastia facial feminization surgery before and after
Otoplasty (ear pinning) before and after.

Facial feminization Surgery

Our patients are provided with:

Before and after photos disclaimer
Before and after photos are not guarantees that your results will be the same or even similar: Surgical results can vary greatly from one individual to another and thus these photos are not intended to represent the results that every patient can expect.
Please be sure that you understand that YOUR actual results will likely vary significantly from other patient’s results, including their before and after photos, even if you feel that you look very similar to another patient in their BEFORE images, because you are a unique person. Every individual is unique and has uniquely individualistic healing capacities and scarring tendencies that lead to different recovery processes and results — some of which are unpredictable even in very healthy patients with healthy habits.
The information on this website is intended for general purposes only and is not intended to, nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice relative to individual medical conditions or personal circumstances. This website is not a guide to treatment and does not replace seeking medical advice regarding your particular medical condition or health concerns from your physician, other healthcare professional or us. You are most welcome to Contact us for a consultation focused on your individual needs.
Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Results Can Vary Significantly Between Patients
Every patient is a unique individual and every surgery has unique aspects. Therefore no surgical procedures or rejuvenation treatments will get the exact same results as others — even if patients think they are similar and even if the procedures are performed by the same Plastic Surgeon.
All surgeries have risks, even when performed by a well trained qualified Plastic Surgeon. Complications may and do happen and so it is important that you make your choices regarding surgery with awareness of all of your potential alternatives, as well as potential risks you’ll be consenting to by undergoing a surgery procedure and even a non-surgical rejuvenation procedure such as injectable treatments or fillers.
Scars are going to be an inevitable part of any Surgical Procedure. The art of the surgeon consists of making these scars as imperceptible as possible by making the incisions in hidden places like (only as examples and only when possible) inside the mouth, in hairy areas or along deep natural wrinkles.

T-Change Surgeries to transition
Buenos Aires - Argentina